Eat, Pray, Love @ the Earthling's Haven
Monday, February 19, 2007 I'm baking bunnies!!!

I have always wanted a pet rabbit. When I need a break from my daily routine to spend time with me, myself and I, I will find myself wandering around pet shops peering in at rabbits in their cages, smiling to myself at their antics and wishing for some miracle to happen so that I will own one of these rabbits and be able to bring them around to show them off like how some of my friends show off their newborns and toddlers.

Indeed, I think my rabbit will look pretty smart in a pink dress with bows, like the ones that Bobo is being made to wear everyday. My friends, male and female alike, screwed up their noses and looked quite ugly for a minute as they chided me for being obsessed over a fat toy dog.

I guessed if I were to talk about a pet rabbit, their reaction will be less explosive and less ugly.
My dreams faded away bit by bit as friends commented that rabbits smell bad and they are rather solidarity animals as they are not as affectionate as doggies. ("Dun start on Bobo, for goodness sake's!!!" they bellowed, as I smiled and nodded my head in agreement at the mere mention of the word 'doggies'.)

"And you need to be well-prepared to take care of them! They are not Soft Toys......" they blinked at me and looked worried for a minute.

Ok, fine I get it. So in the midst of my rabbit dreams while shopping at Plaza Singapura I came across the cutest rabbit shaped cookie cutters. I grabbed one set of those without hesitation and voila! here's the result of that shopping trip:

Posted by hellocozette :: 8:05 PM :: 0 comments

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