Dedicated to my fellow earthlings who love food, warmth, friendship and laughter.....after all that's what being an earthling is all about.
Also dedicated to my two dolls and alien dog who had to put up with my bad habits of hording snacks in my wardrobe.
About the earthling who wrote what you were reading
Name::hellocozette From::Galaxy, Planet Earth, Singapore
I will like to keep my favourite moments frozen, in time's eternity frame.
An earthling who wants to look at the better side of everything and one who believes in Dreams (yeah, I mean the ones that comes to your mind when u are in ZZZZ state.) View my complete profile
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Down with Flu and dumb enough not to take MC
I'm down with flu....yes, you might be thinking: "So what?" For someone who has not been so sick for a long long time. The symptoms hit me like strong waves, like the ones I experienced 6 years ago when I first tried Kayaking. Muscle aches, running nose and a bad headache led to throwing of tantrums at people around me. At this moment, I just wish for my mum's tofu soup and my doggie Bobo.
I had the Tofu soup for lunch last Sun. Just Tofu soup and nothing else. It was an effort on my mum's part to put me on a healthier diet. Seem like her plans backfired when I slurpped down 4 bowls of this with chilies and fried shallots for garnishing. The stock, which was made from dried cod fish and chicken was comforting enough to chase away pre-Monday blues and flu.