Dedicated to my fellow earthlings who love food, warmth, friendship and laughter.....after all that's what being an earthling is all about.
Also dedicated to my two dolls and alien dog who had to put up with my bad habits of hording snacks in my wardrobe.
About the earthling who wrote what you were reading
Name::hellocozette From::Galaxy, Planet Earth, Singapore
I will like to keep my favourite moments frozen, in time's eternity frame.
An earthling who wants to look at the better side of everything and one who believes in Dreams (yeah, I mean the ones that comes to your mind when u are in ZZZZ state.) View my complete profile
Saturday, November 05, 2005
The Fat Earthling has plenty of photos to post but No time and Energy yet
Hi! people! Welcome to my first personal blog. I will put in the links to the silly blog set up by my silly Dog later.(hey! rhymes huh?) I'm busy with school projects, booking HK trip tickets blah, blah, blah all the ridiculous amount of nitty gritty stuff that requires my attention. Which explains why I cried like a baby when I watched the Korean show last night. So touching................. Stressed people cried at the slightest provoke, so dun mention anything about my tummy ..... Will be putting up photos of good-looking and weird-looking people taken at the night outing at Geylang Serai. Not forgettin Food! Photos of Food, that poor shy me struggled to take that night amidst the crowd of sweaty people.
Note the lovely picture on the left. My dream image........of myself. I planned to lose weight so that I can change the blog's name to: The Slim Earthling's Party
That means plenty of exercise and less food during the hols. that only happens during a low stres period. Can't do much for the eyes part unless i go for plastic surgery to make my eyes bigger. But then again, not everyone with big eyes are good-looking......think of all the weirdos with big eyes at our workplace and tell me whether they are good-looking.
Going off to meet a pregnant lady, an ice-cream craving alien and a stress prone chinchilla at Bugis now. Tata!